Milena Caba

Once you recognize the gift, it is impossible not to want to share it

Transformational coaching

Based on the 3P of Sydney Banks


As fate would have it, I stumbled across a transformative coaching course based on Sydney Banks’ 3 Principles and decided to take it. Without really planning it, I found myself surrounded by a distinguished group of professional coaches for almost a year. I spent countless hours immersed in deep explorations of the human experience. Since then, this unstoppable adventure has only expanded in all directions.

What have I discovered? For starters, levels of energy and enthusiasm I never knew, positively impacting my productivity. But the transformation is felt much deeper inside. From there, nothing is the same. Not that it was bad before, not at all. It’s just a million times better now. I have certainties I didn’t know before, because I understand, with confidence and clarity, the principles that govern the human experience, from the inside out.

Once the gift is recognized, it is impossible not to want to share it. It is mine, it is yours and everyone’s, and we are just one thought away from having it. In addition, let me tell you that the birds were always there.

If you would like to know more, write to me and we’ll talk. I’ll love what may come out of our conversation.

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The sessions with Milena have been for me a reservoir of open perspectives and horizons. Milena is a person vibrant with energy: energy of listening and empathy, energy that activates my own intelligence and honesty. With gentleness she speaks from her life experience and guides me with mastery towards my own means to see and see myself better.

- Sandra Naranjo Ph D, Researcher in Human Nutrition

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Milena provides a special and safe accompaniment towards the restoration of the relationship with our thoughts. In her sessions I understood the mind-heart interconnection, reconciling spaces for a serene and loving dialogue. Her exploratory encouragement helped me to observe how my feelings appear and disappear equally, allowing me to appreciate the colorful multiplicity of the magnificent being that I am.

- Jesús Cruz, editorial designer and cultural worker

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Conversations with Milena always help me to gain clarity in situations where I feel confused. Our encounters help me to approach life and life decisions with calmness and confidence. She does not impose ‘dogmatic’ wisdom, but actively listens to me.

- Veronika Macura, educator

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In the years I have known Milena, I have seen how she is an excellent educator, with a great capacity for empathy and closeness with her students. She knows how to connect with people thanks to her listening skills. Her strength comes from an inner life based on faith.

- Juan Provecho, OSA

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What I love most about Milena is her openness and her constant desire to look at life with fresh eyes. When she sees something new, she doesn't hold back, she loves to share her insights with others. Her understanding combined with her love for teaching touches and will continue to touch many lives.

- Rossana Carrasco, transformational coach

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De Milena me inspira su capacidad de que cada persona se sienta escuchada, abrace su autenticidad y se manifieste en su genuino potencial.

- Isabel Castellanos, empresaria y coach de transformación.

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The sessions with Milena have been for me a reservoir of open perspectives and horizons. Milena is a person vibrant with energy: energy of listening and empathy, energy that activates my own intelligence and honesty. With gentleness she speaks from her life experience and guides me with mastery towards my own means to see and see myself better.

- Sandra Naranjo Ph D, Researcher in Human Nutrition

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Milena provides a special and safe accompaniment towards the restoration of the relationship with our thoughts. In her sessions I understood the mind-heart interconnection, reconciling spaces for a serene and loving dialogue. Her exploratory encouragement helped me to observe how my feelings appear and disappear equally, allowing me to appreciate the colorful multiplicity of the magnificent being that I am.

- Jesús Cruz, editorial designer and cultural worker

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Conversations with Milena always help me to gain clarity in situations where I feel confused. Our encounters help me to approach life and life decisions with calmness and confidence. She does not impose dogmatic wisdom, but actively listens to me.

- Veronika Macura, educator

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In the years I have known Milena, I have seen how she is an excellent educator, with a great capacity for empathy and closeness with her students. She knows how to connect with people thanks to her listening skills. Her strength comes from an inner life based on faith.

- Juan Provecho, OSA

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What I love most about Milena is her openness and her constant desire to look at life with fresh eyes. When she sees something new, she doesn't hold back, she loves to share her insights with others. Her understanding combined with her love for teaching touches and will continue to touch many lives.

- Rossana Carrasco, transformational coach

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I am inspired by Milena's ability to make each person feel heard, embrace their authenticity and manifest their true potential.

- Isabel Castellanos, entrepreneur and transformation coach.

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